赵冬华 高级工程师


学历: 博士研究生
邮编: 100101
地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲20号



1. Donghua Zhao, Chen Zhang, et al. Background simulations of WXT aboard the Einstein Probe Mission, Proc. SPIE 10699, 2018

2. Donghua Zhao, Chen Zhang, Weimin Yuan, Shuangnan Zhang, Richard Willingale, et al., Geant4 simulations of a wide-angle x-ray focusing telescope, Exp Astron, Vol. 43, 267–283, 2017
3. Zhao D., ZHANG C., Yuan W., et al., Ray tracing simulations for the Wide-field X-ray Telescope of the Einstein Probe mission based on Geant4 and XRTG4. SPIE. 9144 (2014) 
4. Dong-Hua Zhao, Bo-Bing Wu, Li-Ming Song , et al., On-board GRB trigger algorithms of SVOM-GRM, RAA, Vol. 13(11), P1381-1396, 2013 
5. Zhao, D., Cordier, B.,  et al., Influence of the Earth on the background and the sensitivity of the GRM and ECLAIRs instruments aboard the Chinese-French mission SVOM. ExpA. 34, 705-728 (2012) 
6. Weimin Yuan, Chen Zhang, Zhixing Ling, Donghua Zhao, Einstein Probe: a lobster-eye telescope for monitoring the x-ray sky, Proc. SPIE 10699, 2018