
[Colloquium]Laurent GIZON: Recent Advances in Helioseismology


国台学术报告2023年 第22次

NAOC Colloquium No.22 2023

报告题目/Title: Recent Advances in Helioseismology / 日震学前沿进展
报告人/Speaker: Prof. Laurent GIZON (Max Planck Institute)
报告时间/Time: Tuesday 2:30 PM, Oct. 24, 2023
报告地点/Location: NAOC A601 & Live Streaming on NAOC WeChat Channel
主持人/Host: Prof. Shangbing Yang / 杨尚斌 (NAOC)
报告语言/Language: English/英文

Poster No.22-2023(Click to get the poster).jpg

直播链接/Live Webcast: 国台微信公众号视频号 (微信扫描如下二维码)

Helioseismology is a powerful tool to study the Sun’s internal structure and dynamics by using solar oscillations observed on the Sun’s visible surface. In this talk, Prof. Gizon will introduce the method and scientific questions that helioseismology aims to answer. Recent advances in the field include the discovery and characterization of inertial modes of oscillation will also be briefly introduced. The recent work on helioseismic far-side imaging, a technique that can map active regions on the back side of the Sun are also presented.

Prof. Laurent GIZON studies solar and stellar physics. He currently serves as the managing Director of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Gottingen, Germany, where he leads the department "Solar and Stellar Interiors". He is also a full professor at the university of Gottingen. His main specialty is helioseismology, which is the use of solar acoustic oscillations to study the interior of the sun. He studied undergraduate physics in Grenoble, and aerospace engineering and astrophysics in Toulouse, France. He graduated with a PhD in Physics from Stanford University. He is involved in a number of space missions, such as the Solar Dynamics Observatory (NASA) and the Solar Orbiter (ESA).  One of his main focus is to prepare for the PLATO mission (ESA), to be launched in 2026. PLATO will measure oscillations on distant stars and characterize earth-like planets around sun-like stars.

